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  • 游戏类型:冒险游戏
  • 游戏大小:500.00KB
  • 更新时间:2020-11-19
  • 游戏语言:国产游戏
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关前提示第一关   A year has passed since Billy defeated the shadow warriors.But a new danger has reared its ugly head.Marian has vanished.“I am HIRUKO… A friend. I have information about the girl's disappearance.”   译:比利打败影子武士一年之后,一个新的暗黑势力抬起了它丑恶的头。玛丽安不见了。我叫“比留子”,是你的朋友。我知道关于玛丽安消失的秘密。 “Her captors will release her after you deliver the three sacred stones of power.”Mission 1-USA   译:只要你能把三块有能量的圣石交出来,绑架她的人就会释放她。任务1-美国   BRETT:Listen! I tried to stop them but they were too powerful for me.They're great fighters.But the one you must fear the most is……   布雷特:玛丽安她……我想拦住他们,可是无济于事。他们是很强壮的打手,然而更恐怖的是……   HIRUKO:“I'm sorry about your friend Brett.We must work together to avenge him and rescue Marian.Hurry! We must go before it is too late. We have a long journey. I have been told that the first stone is in China.” Mission 2-CHINA  比留子:不幸的消息,你的朋友布雷特遇害了,我们必须合作替他报仇,也是为了迎救玛丽安。要快!我们必须赶在一切太晚之前采取行动,我们的征程还很长。我得知第一块圣石藏在中国。任务2-中国  第二关   CHIN:I have waited for this moment for a long time. Lee Brothers. What's wrong? Don't you remember me? I'll remind you…before I destroy you. You killed my brother in your battle with the shadow warriors. Now get ready to feel the force of my revenge. My KUNG FU is without equal…   陈〔静明〕:我等这一天很久了,李氏兄弟。怎么?不记得了么?在送你们上西天之前,我会告诉你们的。你们杀了我的兄弟,就在那场跟幻影武士的战役中。现在,做好准备接受我的惩罚吧。我的武功盖世无双。   CHIN:I am beaten! You are the greatest martial artists in the world. Here is the first stone. Please allow me to join you on your trip to Janpan. Mission 3-JANPAN   陈〔静明〕:我输了。你们是世界上最出色的格斗天才。我愿献上第一块圣石,请允许我加入你们的行列,共赴日本。任务3-日本   第三关   RANZOU:Welcome double dragons! You may have gotten past my men…but they fight like children compared to me. My NINPOU is unbeatable.   乱造:双截龙兄弟,恭候多时了!你们过得了我的手下,但是他们的功夫跟我比就像是小孩子在作游戏。我的忍术是不可战胜的。   RANZOU:I am disgraced. I have tasted defeat for the first time. You've earned the second stone and also my respect. May I join you? 乱造:有失体面,失敬。我第一次尝到了被打败的滋味。你们赢得了第二块圣石和我的尊重。我可以加入你们吗?   HIRUKO:It can now be told,I have always had the third stone. We must now travel to Egypt to free Marian. But before we do,we must spend time in Italy. Practising for the big battle. Mission 4-Italy   比留子:现在可以告诉你了,我身上一直都带着第三块圣石。我们必须去埃及,拯救玛丽安。但是在我们去之前,必须先前往意大利,为大决战热身。任务4-意大利   第四关   Mission 5-Egypt   任务5-埃及   第五关   HIRUKO:Marian is being held behind that door. I must put the stones in place. They will open the door and allow you to free her. There is little time to lose,Let us enter the room quickly.   比留子:玛丽安就被关在那扇门后面。我现在把三块圣石就位,他们就会把门打开让你进去救她。快点,我们没有时间了,跟我来,进来吧!   HIRUKO:I lied to you! Your friend Brett tried to warn you,but I slienced him. I have three sacred stones of power. I must get the forth to control the world.   比留子:你上当了,哈哈!你的朋友布雷特试图想通知你,但是我让他住口了。我现在得到了三块能量圣石,我现在要拿那第四块,世界现在属于我了!   But HIRUKO din't know the entire legend of the sacred stones of power. It says: “She who enters the tomb caryying less than all four stones will be turned to dust. ” You see,in her haste to obtain power,HIRUKO made a mistake that cost her her life.   译:但是比留子不知道这传奇的能量石全部的秘密。黑暗公主玛丽安对密室下过咒。上面写着:“任何身上少于四块圣石进入金字塔墓穴者,如是女人必挫骨扬灰。”因而,匆忙想得到能量的比留子,犯了一个致使的错误,丢掉了性命。通关画面The Double Dragons defeated Princess Marian,who was really Marian under an evil spell. She awoke unharmed.   译:双截龙兄弟击败了玛丽安公主,那就是真正的玛丽安被暗黑能量控制下的假体。她苏醒了,毫发未损,安然无恙。〔Billy Lee 〕with his brother,he continues to spread his martial arts teachings to students around the world.   比利·李,和他的兄弟,继续将他们的武术在全世界传承、发扬光大。 〔Chin Seimei 〕returned to China to master Kenpou. He remains friends with the Double Dragons.   陈静明,回到中国主控宪法。他依然是双截龙兄弟的好朋友。   〔YAGYU RANZOU〕returned to Janpan to become a NINJA. One day he will be called emperor.   柳生乱造,回到日本成为了一名忍者,终于有一天他被人们叫作了“皇帝”。   〔Jimmy Lee 〕he and his brother will continue to pass on their knowledge to students everywhere.   吉米·李,他和他的兄弟将继续传授他们的知识给予各地的生徒们。   〔HIRUKO〕she was not the first,and won't be the last to let greed for power ruin their life.   比留子,她决不是第一个,也不是最后一个因贪婪而丧命者。

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